Home TV News Arrow Cast Interview – Willa Holland & Katrina Law

Arrow Cast Interview – Willa Holland & Katrina Law

by Dave Elliott

More press interviews from MCM Comic Con, this time with Willa Holland (aka Thea Queen, aka Speedy) & Katrina Law (aka Nyssa al Ghul) from Sky 1’s ARROW.

Both Willa and Katrina were lovely to chat to, with Willa in-particular seeming as cute and slightly bonkers as her Instagram account sometimes portrays. Her opening line “Wow! There’s a lot of humans. Hi humans, i’m one of you to, I come in peace…”

During the interview, the couple discuss Arrow Season 4, and a few bits about Season 5, including confirming the crossover between Flash, Arrow, Supergirl and Legends Of Tomorrow. They also go on to talk about stealing food from the Flash set, being told by DC they had to ‘kill off’ the Suicide Squad they had started to build, and how it felt to lose Laurel Lance (Katie Cassidy).

The highlight of the interview was provided by the guys over at A Place To Hang Your Cape. Willa starts to complain about Speedy’s lack of a cape on the show, which leads to David from AP2HYC (who was, of course, wearing a cape) chiming in with “do you want to borrow mine?” Cue Willa freaking out, and spending the rest of the interview dressed like this:

Willa Holland

Willa in a cape

She spent the rest of the interview with a huge smile on her face. Amazingly AP2HYC did get their cape back (I wasn’t sure they would!) If you’d like to seem Speedy in a cape, the hashtag to use on social media is #givespeedyacape. I’m sure Willa would appreciate it!

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