Home Superheroes Tyler Hoechlin Cast As Superman On Supergirl

Tyler Hoechlin Cast As Superman On Supergirl

by Dave Elliott
Tyler Hoechlin Cast As Superman On Supergirl

Tyler Hoechlin Cast As Superman On Supergirl

Whilst it’s not Tom Welling, have to say we think DC have done a really decent job finding their Superman for the small screen.

As we mentioned last week, Kara’s cousin is set to make his first on-screen appearance on Supergirl in the opening two episodes of the show next season. There had been a lot of speculation as to who would don the cape for this iteration, but it’s Teen Wolf ‘s Tyler Hoechlin who has got the nod.

Exec producer Andrew Kreisberg said of the casting “Greg [that’s Berlanti] and I have wanted to work with Tyler for ages, so this worked out perfectly because Tyler is Superman. We are so thrilled and humbled to add another amazing actor to the legacy of this iconic character.”

Hoechlin played Derek Hale on Teen Wolf, but got his big break playing Tom Hank’s son in Sam Mendes’s Road to Perdition. He’s recently won praise for his role in Richard Linklater’s Everybody Wants Some!!, which (trivia fact) also starred Blake Jenner, husband of Supergirl herself, Melissa Benoist!

Season 1 of Supergirl is currently airing on Sky 1 in the UK.

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