Home TV News Hailing Fequencies Open For a New Star Trek Series?

Hailing Fequencies Open For a New Star Trek Series?

by Dave Elliott
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Could Star Trek return to the small screen?

Rumours started to fly about the interwebs yesterday that a new Star Trek TV series may be on the way after Bryan Fuller announced he was leaving Heroes… again.

Fuller was an executive producer and writer on the 1st season of Heroes, but left to pursue other projects (including the brilliantly original Pushing Daisies). He returned to Heroes during the 3rd season after signing a 2yr development deal with NBC Universal Media. After planning out some of the major story arcs for the 4th season of Heroes, Fuller was finding himself stretched a bit too thinly – “Development was really starting to heat up, And it appears like I may be writing multiple pilots for NBC so that wasn’t leaving a ton of room for ‘Heroes,’ unfortunately. We crafted some really great arcs for the season that I’m excited to see come to fruition. I love that cast dearly and am sad to go, but the plate – she was over-flowing.” Fuller told AICN.

Fuller has another year and half pilot and pitch writing for NBC Universal, however the bit that has got most of us sci fi geeks excited though, was that Fuller expressed a desire to help create a new series for Paramount set in J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek universe. Fuller is no stranger to Trek, having had 22 episode writing credits on both Star Trek: Voyager and  – my personal favorite of the next gen Trek – Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.

I’d love to see Abrams and Fuller get a chance to bring Star Trek back to the small screen. I can’t see it being with the Enterprise crew necessarily, but maybe you set it on one of the other starfleet ships. I’m sure Kirk, Spock & Co weren’t the one to have interesting adventures going where no one had gone before!

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