Home Events Todd Haberkorn – Voice Actor (MCM Birmingham Comic Con)

Todd Haberkorn – Voice Actor (MCM Birmingham Comic Con)

by Dave Elliott
Todd Haberkorn

Todd Haberkorn

As you know, I am a huge fan of Comic Con. I go whenever I can. Over the years, the event has grown from a relatively small and dare I say it, uber geeky affair, to the huge fan fest it is today.

Every year there is something new to enjoy, and this year was no exception. As usual, the majority of the guest speakers at MCM Birmingham Comic Con were actors, but there were also some prop people there this year and voice actors.

I like to mix things up a bit, so decided to pop in and listen to Todd Haberkorn. In Anime circles, he is a legend, voicing dozens of Anime characters, in English.

Todd is a regular at the Birmingham Comic Con, and is always entertaining, and a guy that will really go the extra mile for his art.

He is most famous for being the voice of Natsu in the Anime –Fairy Tail. When the show got to its 100th episode, he went out and got a Fairy Tail tattoo because he had promised fans of the shows that he would.


Watching him talk, you get the distinct impression he did not realise the show would be such a hit (or wouldn’t go for so may episodes) when he made the promise, so did not necessarily expect to have to deliver, but fair play, he did. The YouTube video (above) of him getting the tattoo gives you some idea of how painful it was, but he said he loves the tattoo now. Judging by the number of fans in the hall sporting Fairy Tail tattoos he started a bit of a trend!

As I said earlier Todd has worked mainly in the Anime field, but he has done other work. Over the years, he has voiced numerous characters for cartoon shows, several movies and a long list of video games.

The amazing thing to me was that I had never really thought about the fact that there are thousands of voiceover artists in London and cities across the world working on a huge range or projects. It is hard to see how the modern entertainment industry would manage without these often forgotten actors.

Over the years, there have been quite a few iconic voice only characters. One that jumps out is of course HAL 9000, from 2001: A Space Odyssey. Douglas Rain was the creepy voice of the sentient computer. Like so many voice over actors Douglas Rain started his career as a regular actor. He appeared in 27 films and TV shows, and is an accomplished Broadway actor yet he is still best known as the voice of Hal. There are also many people that make their living as voiceover artists for video games too, such as Courtenay Taylor, who we saw at the March Birmingham Con, and her fellow Mass Effect co-star Jennifer Hale, who is a legend to gamers as the kick ass voice of female Shepard.

Todd Haberkorn has also done a bit of live action work. He currently plays Spock in the fan produced Star Trek Continues web series. His Mr Spock haircut story was another example of his dedication to his art. The worst thing was the hairdresser did it wrong, so Todd ended up looking like Friar Tuck and had to wait for it to grow out to be cut into a Mr. Spock style!

All in all, his appearance a great insight into the world of voice acting and a good laugh too, so well worth looking out for at a Comic Con near you in the future!

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