Since 2011, viewers have been tuning into Game of Thrones to see what is happening with their favourite and most hated characters and see how the show’s storylines will play out. From the cold Cersei Lannister to the noble Jon Snow, Game of Thrones has some of the most addictive and fascinating stories on modern television.
The show is based on the novels penned by George R. R. Martin but how well do you know your Game of Thrones? Can you name the person who killed Oberyn Martell, and do you know Maester Luwin from Maester Aemon?
With many websites and blogs dedicated to the show that have been created by Game of Thrones aficionados, is your knowledge strong enough to tackle other die-hard fans? The casino 32Red want to find the biggest Game of Thrones geek and have made a quiz to test what you know, which you can test yourself on at Those brave enough to put their knowledge to the test are in with a chance of winning a trip to one of the show’s exotic filming locations such as Malta or Croatia.
As all the enthusiasts among us watched season four come to an end, we saw some shocking deaths, jealous rages and illicit love affairs blossom. The start date of season five is approaching and with so many loose ends to tie up, it promises to be an exciting season.
Here’s a recap of what happened to three of the main characters in season four (SPOILERS if you’ve not seen season 4 obviously!)

Stannis Baratheon
Stannis Baratheon
Ever since it was revealed Stannis is the true blood King of the Seven Kingdoms due to the incestuous roots of Joffrey and Tommen, he has tried to claim his rightful place ruling from King’s Landing. But the end of the latest episode saw him joining forces with Jon Snow and the Wildlings, so season five looks set to be an interesting one for this somewhat stern character. While he surprisingly gave in to Jon’s request to spare Mance’s life, will Stannis later regret this uncharacteristic decision? How will Stannis handle his quest to rightly sit on the Iron Throne and how will this affect his ever-cold relationship with his wife?

Arya Stark
Arya Stark
The ever-strong Arya Stark had an exciting season four and viewers watched in trepidation as she killed Polliver and later left Sandor, AKA The Hound, for dead. Will the Starks ever get their power back and what will happen when she reaches Braavos? Can she successfully mount a revival to avenge the deaths of her family members? And how much help will the coin from Jaqen H’ghar give her?
Sansa Stark

Sansa Stark
Sansa is very different to her boyish sister Arya, and spends her time sewing and reading poetry. Her lady-like nature left her vulnerable in season four, as we watched Joffrey continue to berate her before his death. Yet her personality seemed to change as she convincingly lied about Lysa’s death in defence of Littlefinger. Will we see a stronger Sansa in season five, and did we already catch a glimpse of her new-found strength with her unmissable makeover at the end of season four?
All Game of Thrones enthusiasts will be chomping at the bit to find out what happens in the up-coming series, with some of the main characters storylines left in a very precarious position!