Home Comic Books Birmingham MCM Comic Con – March 2016

Birmingham MCM Comic Con – March 2016

by Dave Elliott


It’s that time of year again when people all over the Midlands get dressed up in their favourite cosplay gear and descend on the NEC to visit MCM Comic Con (and gather puzzling looks from the people there other events which are held at the venue when they find themselves sat on a bus next to Harley Quinn and a Stormtrooper!). Geektown sent a couple of intrepid reporters to cover the show this Sunday, and this is what they saw…

The Guests

The show was slightly lacking in huge headline names this time around, with Lindsay Wagner being one of the bigger names (if you’re of a certain age…) who is best know for having been the original 70’s Bionic Woman. Two of the boys from the Dwarf were there – Robert Llewellyn & Danny John-Jules, who gave an interview on the main stage, with Q&A from fans, and on the MCM Buzz stage, which you can see below.

Also making an appearance for his 2nd MCM Birmingham Comic Con was Tom Mison, aka Ichabod Crane on the tv series Sleepy Hollow. We managed to capture his main stage appearance on Sunday, which you can watch below.

In addition to tv stars, there were a number of video game actors at the event this time, including Paul Amos & Victoria Atkin from the Assassins Creed games, and Elias Toufexis from Deus Ex, Far Cry Primal and who’s also popped up in the tv show Bitten.

The Comics

The independent comic area had a lot of the usual suspects. Dan Thompson and Steve Penfold’s Moon where there, which has one of the most bonkers concepts for a story – Every day when he’s done being in the sky, the Moon falls to earth, puts on a suit and investigates crime… The folk from T Pub promoting their Twisted Dark series, the excellent Tabitha graphic novel, and their newer book Tortured Life, about a guy who tries to end his life after he developed the ability to see the deaths of everyone around him, but old and powerful forces at work that have their own plans for his power… And of course, our favourites, Subversive Comics who were there with their long running series Bearlands, and their newer series Metal Made Flesh, which is getting a lot of interest from the mainstream comic book establishment, so don’t be surprised if you see a lot more from them!

The Cosplay

Cosplay is always a big thing when it comes to Comic Con, and this year was no exception. Harley Quinn is still reigning supreme as the girls cosplay of choice, and i only expect that to grow even more once the Suicide Squad movie is released. UK Garrison were out in force as usual, there with Stormtroopers aplenty and of course, the Dark Lord of the Sith himself. We also noticed a lot of Iron man costumes around this year, some more impressive than others, but given they are all built from scratch, I applaud the effort! Here’s a selection of photos from the show.


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